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Birthday: May 25th

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Height: 154 cm

Generation: 3rd

Member Color: Purple

Ice Cream Flavor: Cotton Candy

Blood Type: O-

Status: Active

Introduction Call

What animal is fluffy? (Kitty!) What food is fluffy? (Cotton Candy!) And what is both? (Mai!) I might surprise you with a few nyan, so I hope to make you smile with fluffiness! 

Introduction Video

About Mai

Favorite Idol Groups: AKB48, NMB48,  Iz*One, French Kiss


Favorite Idols: Kashiwagi Yuki (AKB48) and after her it’s Watanabe Miyuki (Ex-NMB48, solo idol)


Catchphrase: It’s okay, you can do it!


Nickname: Maimai or Cotton Kitty


Joined: December 10th, 2022


Debut Single: Bokura no Seifuku Christmas 


Hobbies: Mainly anime, manga, cooking, and cleaning, but I also like to try other stuff in my space time (writing stories, sewing, drawing, crafts, etc.)


Special Skills: Being active as soon as I wake up without the need of coffee  or tea


Favorite Food: Pasta, bread, flan, sweets


Favorite School Subjects: Arts and mathematics


Disliked Food: Anything spicier then medium spicy, bitter melon


Favorite Colors:  Purple, black, white and pastel colours


Favorite Sports:  Dance, walk and swim


Favorite Word: Meow (JPN/ENG)


Motto: Eat, sleep and play!


Look up to: Hard-working people


Favorite IQ Member: Everyone <3


Favorite Cover / Song from the Group: Alkalight

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